Financial Literacy Training of Trainers Course
The Course
The Financial Literacy Training of Trainers Course is a five day training course targeting representatives from the public, government, and private organizations working with wider communities on the topic of financial literacy.
Each organization can nominate two individuals per course. The criteria to select the right candidates includes their ability to train, commitment, interest and dedication to conduct financial literacy trainings after the course.
After completion of the course, all successful participants receive a Certificate of Participation from Bank of Uganda. All participants have the option to become Certified Trainers after having trained at least 100 people in a period of one year after attending the ToT. The logistics of the trainings carried out after the ToT are the sole responsibility of the individual and their organization.
All Participants must have filled out an application form and must have received a confirmation from Bank of Uganda admitting them to the course. After accepting to participate, the attendees are expected to be present at the training venue from Monday to Friday, each day from 8am to 5pm.
With their application, the participants confirm that their organization has accepted them to participate in the training and ensures that after the training the financial literacy content shall be used during trainings to their respective target groups.
The dates and venue of the course are confirmed prior to the course by Bank of Uganda. The selected venues are conducive for effective learning using various methodologies and are deemed fit, within Kampala or any other location in Uganda.
Bank of Uganda may cover some or all costs which are directly related to the course, these may include:
- Training venue, facilitators and training materials
- Morning break tea, lunch, evening break tea and refreshments
- Financial Literacy Training manual
- Certificates
Costs not covered include:
- Per diems or miscellaneous expenses
- Transport costs
- Accommodation costs
Curriculum Overview
The course covers various topics as outlined in the National Strategy for Financial Literacy namely: Personal Financial Management, Savings, Loans, Investment, Financial Service Providers, Retirement, Payment Systems and Insurance.
In addition to the financial literacy topics, the course covers Adult Learning Principles. The course is highly participatory, which means that participants are expected to get engaged in presenting course content and/or contributing to the success of the course in other ways.
For more information and preparation prior to attending the course, kindly read the core messages.
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