How to Get Involved
If you are interested in financial literacy and wish to receive further information on the Strategy and/or contribute to its implementation, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
If you / your organisation:
- have an interest in financial literacy, you can join the Financial Literacy Information Sharing Group;
- are already undertaking financial literacy activities
- we encourage you to continue these activities, where possible aligning them with the Strategy (e.g. by taking account of the guiding principles for the Strategy and making use of the core messages);
- we can link you to other organisations which are implementing similar activities, in order to enhance the exchange of information and experience and to avoid unnecessary duplication;
- are interested in contributing funds or resources to facilitate the implementation of the Strategy, you should contact Bank of Uganda, which will discuss with you the strands or priority activities which might be of interest to you and how you could get involved.
- wish to receive financial literacy trainings or resources, Bank of Uganda can provide you with the core messages and any other resources, together (where applicable) with contact details for relevant financial literacy trainers.